

Roncalli SonShine Patch  

boys on playground
For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations. Is. 61:11

Roncalli Sonshine Patch is located within Roncalli Primary School at 419 1st Ave NE, which houses Pre-K-1st grade classrooms. We offer preschool/childcare for children ages 3-5. We are licensed as a child care center through the State of SD.

We provide a safe, caring, Christian environment for children of all faiths. The Sonshine Patch has different options for your child, dependent upon your needs:

  1. Full Day Preschool Plus! Childcare - We offer 3 classrooms of full day preschool/childcare for children ages 3-5. Children enrolled in these rooms can attend from 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  2. Part-time Preschool - We offer 3 separate sections of part time preschool. All sections will be offered based on enrollment numbers. They are as follows:
    • 3 years old - Tues/Thurs (8:00 – 10:30 AM)
    • 4-5 years old - Monday, Wednesday, Friday (8:00 – 10:30 AM)
    • 4-5 years old - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (12:00 – 3:00 PM)

All our programs are led by certified teachers using a developmentally appropriate curriculum. South Dakota State Early Learning Guidelines are followed.

Read our Viewbook for more information.

Preschool Enrollment

For information about availability in our preschool program, please contact Pat Buechler, Director, at 225–3460 or email at

Preschool & Afterschool Care Rates 2024-2025

Sonshine Patch Handbook


preschool teacher reading to students

As Early Childhood Educators, it is our ethical responsibility to provide a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment for each child.  We are committed to supporting children’s development and learning by offering a developmentally appropriate environment that does not encroach upon the necessary psycho/social development of a child. We respect individual differences and help children learn to live, play, and work cooperatively.

As Early Childhood Educators, we are facilitators, creating a community of inquiry.  Through forming relationships, creating an environment of trust and mutual respect, and allowing the child to lead the direction of his/her learning, we are building a strong foundation for the child’s school career.

Children learn concepts best when they are meaningful and relevant to them. They acquire knowledge through the active exploration of their environment, not solely through direct instruction.  By using a reflective approach, instead of a directive approach, teachers will take the time to observe and reflect within the time in the classroom, thus changing and adapting to the needs of each child.

(adapted from NAEYC Code of Ethics)


preschool girl coloring with markers

The preschool teachers at the Sonshine Patch refer to the SD Early Learning Guidelines in planning the day to day activities to ensure that the children are receiving a developmentally appropriate preschool experience.  The activities planned allow children to become a community of learners, helping each other learn and enhance their skills.  STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Math) activities are planned throughout the day and integrated within all of our daily activities.

Prayer, daily blessings, and the teachings of the Catholic Church are integrated throughout each day.

We believe children learn best through meaningful play. By integrating a meaningful play-based, child-centered program, we encourage curiosity, discovery, and problem solving which allows individual growth and development of a positive self-image, thus preparing the child for his/her school career.

We want you, as a parent, to look into our busy, happy, noisy, creative classrooms and see your child at work and play. We want you to realize the validity of that play and the importance of what is being learned. Parents and teachers together can help the children to develop their full potential.

Classroom Descriptions

From our youngest preschool learners to those who will enter Kindergarten next, we hope to provide each child with the skills they need to continue their education with confidence and the desire to reach their full potential.

Blessed Sprouts: 3-4 year old Cavaliers - Full Time  

Beautiful Blessings: 3-4 year old Cavaliers - Part Time

We focus on independence, routine, and continuity for our youngest learners.  In these rooms, the children are encouraged to be creative, solve problems, and begin to learn about Jesus. Academics are intertwined throughout the day in meaningful, play based activities. Social skills are developing every day by encouraging play. Through play, children learn social rules. Teachers help by talking through social issues that arise organically from groups of children playing together. Our goal is to teach the children the words and actions to have to solve those social tendencies that may arise.

Faithful Blossoms: 4-5 year old Cavaliers - Full Time

Beautiful Blessings: 4-5 year old Cavaliers - Part Time

We continue to focus on independence, routine, social skills, and continuity.  Through thoughtfully planned environments, children learn the skills needed to put them on the right track for school for many years! STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Math) activities are planned and placed within the classroom environment on a daily basis. Hands-on activities for academics are intertwined throughout children’s play and learning centers. These classrooms may have children old enough to attend Kindergarten; however, they are given another year to grow academically, socially, and emotionally prior to entering Kindergarten.

Stepping Stones: 4-5 year old Cavaliers

Many children in this classroom are often old enough to attend Kindergarten; however, they are placed in this class to give them an additional year to grow academically, socially, or emotionally prior to entering Kindergarten. Children in this classroom will continue to build on the same concepts that are focused on in the other preschool classrooms.  For some students, it’s an additional year of critical skill development before Kindergarten, with a focus on self-regulation, following complex directions, effective communication, gaining more confidence, and sustaining attention through work and play.

Parental Involvement

Parents are the first educators of their children. You know your children best, and we look forward to working in a partnership to educate your child. We value your suggestions and support. Our staff and teachers are always available to visit with you.


Common Sense Parenting

Parent Toolkit

SD Early Learning Guidelines

SD Dept. of Child Care Services

View our PreK-5 supply list

Enroll Today

To schedule your school visit and learn more about Admissions, Enrollment, Financial Aid, and Scholarships, visit our Enrollment page.