Saint Pope John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli)

Roncalli is the family name of Pope John XXIII. He captured the imagination of the entire world, and changed the hearts of millions in a short space of time. Born of peasant parents, Saint John XXIII, began his life at Sotto Il Monte, Italy, on November 25, 1881. He was named a Cardinal by Pius XII, and was elected Pope on October 28, 1958.
Pope John XXII was expected to be only an interim Pope, but he changed the course of modern Christianity by summoning the second Vatican Council to address the question of Christian unity. Under his leadership, many sweeping changes were made to help the Church meet the challenges of modern times. In 1964, the name selection committee for our high school believed that the new school should be dedicated to the same objectives as that of Pope John XXII. They believed that the role of the school was to assist the Catholic students of Aberdeen to meet the challenge of the modern times educationally, socially, and spiritually.
Pope John XXIII died after serving as Pope for four years and six months. During that time, he wrote two major encyclicals and convened the second Vatican Council, after being inspired by the Holy Spirit to do so. He also re-drafted Canon law and preached that truth, unity and peace should be promoted in the spirit of love.
He is now known as Saint John XXIII. He was beatified on Sept 3, 2000, and was canonized a saint on April 27, 2014. When his tomb was opened to be prepared to be relocated near the main altar in St. Peters, his body was found to be still intact, showing no signs of decay, even though he had been dead for more than thirty five years. It is understood by theologians that when the body of one who has been beatified is found intact, it is a sign of the anticipation of the resurrection; and, a confirmation of his or her sainthood.
Saint Pope John XXIII (Roncalli) promoted social justice and a belief in the dignity of all. The Aberdeen Catholic Schools try to follow his example. We remain dedicated to educating our students in the path set by Saint John XXII, as we strive to fulfill our mission: Instilling Catholic values and promoting academic excellence by nurturing mind, body, and soul.